Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share tutorial C++, yaitu program konversi suhu.
1. Langsung aja, buka Microsoft Visual Studio (karena saya menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio, tapi teman-teman bisa menggunakan code editor lain seperti Borland C++).
2. Buat project baru, saya beri nama projectnya konversi_suhu, pilih WIN32 Console Application.
3. Masukkan code berikut :
// konversi_suhu.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // Developer : Erik Gunawan // Nickname : EXz #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; void pilihan(); void header() { cout << "Program Konversi " << endl; cout << "=============================================" << endl; cout << "A = Celsius ke Reamur, Fahrenheit, Kelvin" << endl; cout << "B = Reamur ke Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin" << endl; cout << "C = Fahrenheit ke Celsius, Reamur, Kelvin" << endl; cout << "D = Kelvin ke Celsius, Reamur, Fahrenheit" << endl; cout << "=============================================" << endl; cout << endl; } double celsius, reamur, fahrenheit, kelvin; void celsiusToAll() { cout << "Suhu Celsius : "; cin >> celsius; reamur = (4 * celsius)/5; fahrenheit = (9 * celsius)/5 + 32; kelvin = celsius + 273; cout << endl; cout << "Suhu Reamur : " << reamur << endl; cout << "Suhu Fahrenheit : " << fahrenheit << endl; cout << "Suhu Kelvin : " << kelvin << endl; } void reamurToAll() { cout << "Suhu Reamur : "; cin >> reamur; celsius = (5*reamur)/4; fahrenheit = (9*reamur)/4 + 32; kelvin = (reamur*5)/4 + 273; cout << endl; cout << "Suhu Celsius : " << celsius << endl; cout << "Suhu Fahrenheit : " << fahrenheit << endl; cout << "Suhu Kelvin : " << kelvin << endl; } void fahrenheitToAll() { cout << "Suhu Fahrenheit : "; cin >> fahrenheit; celsius = (fahrenheit-32)*5/9; reamur = (fahrenheit-32)*4/9; kelvin = (fahrenheit-32)*5/9 + 273; cout << endl; cout << "Suhu Celsius : " << celsius << endl; cout << "Suhu Reamur : " << reamur << endl; cout << "Suhu Kelvin : " << kelvin << endl; } void kelvinToAll() { cout << "Suhu Kelvin : "; cin >> kelvin; celsius = kelvin-273; reamur = (kelvin-273)*4/5; fahrenheit = (kelvin-273)*9/5 + 32; cout << endl; cout << "Suhu Celsius : " << celsius << endl; cout << "Suhu Reamur : " << reamur << endl; cout << "Suhu Fahrenheit : " << fahrenheit << endl; } void pilihan() { char pilih, coba_lagi; pilih: header(); cout << "Masukkan Pilihan : "; cin >> pilih; cout << endl; if (pilih=='a' || pilih=='A') { celsiusToAll(); } else if (pilih=='b' || pilih=='B') { reamurToAll(); } else if (pilih=='c' || pilih=='C') { fahrenheitToAll(); } else if (pilih=='d' || pilih=='D') { kelvinToAll(); } else { system("cls"); cout << "Kode yang Anda masukkan salah!!" << endl; cout << endl; goto pilih; } coba: cout << endl; cout << "Ingin coba lagi (Y/N) ? "; cin >> coba_lagi; if (coba_lagi=='Y' || coba_lagi=='y') { system("cls"); goto pilih; } else if (coba_lagi=='N' || coba_lagi=='n') { _exit(0); } else { system("cls"); cout << "Kode yang Anda masukkan salah!!" << endl; cout << endl; goto coba; } } void main() { pilihan(); }4. Run file, hasilnya akan seperti ini :
5. Masukkan suhu yang ingin dicari.
Untuk download contoh project di atas, klik disini atau konversi_suhu.
Ditunggu kritik saran pertanyaan dan komentarnya. :D
Semoga bermanfaat.
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